Did I say 'it never rains but it pours' yesterday? Guess what - it gets even more melodramatic.
Last night, being tired and stressed, I went to bed fairly early. I was woken from a deep sleep at 11.30pm by the unmistakable sounds of someone moving around downstairs in the house. I was alone, it was pitch dark, I was disorientated and terrified, almost paralysed with fear for a moment. I forced myself to get out of bed, put on my glasses and put on the light, and I went onto the landing as noisily as I could and called out 'Who's there?' loudly.
It turned out to be Emil, my landlady's daffy Polish handyman, delivering tools and equipment for some of the planned renovation work. I went back to bad, shaking with shock and adrenalin, and couldn't get back to sleep until 3am. This morning I texted my landlady to ask what was going on and was told that Emil is starting the first parts of the renovation work (installing a second toilet under the stairs) next week.
She has never paid any attention to the stipulation in the tenancy agreements I and all the other tenants have had about always notifying us and agreeing an acceptable time for a visit; she and her plumbers and odd-job men have always just rocked up unannounced and let themselves in (the previous handyman even used to come into the house to use the loo if he was passing through the area, rather than going to the public toilets near Sainsburys).
But this was a really unpleasant experience that left me feeling very vulnerable, threatened and pressured. I feel it's bordering on full-on harrassment. So I am going to have to go back to the Citizens' Advice Bureau this afternoon to try and get more specialist advice on my position.
Dear God, please solve this for me; I am not doing too well at solving it by myself. I need help.
The Shark Is Closed for Queries
6 months ago